

The third official meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Operational Programme “Innovation and competitiveness” 2014-2020 and of Operational Programme "SME Initiative" 2014-2020 was held

On 24th of November 2016, in “Pravets” hall of Riu Prevets Hotel, Pravets, the third official meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Operational Programme “Innovation and competitiveness” 2014-2020 (OPIC) and of Operational Programme "SME Initiative" 2014-2020 (OP SMEI) was held.

The Monitoring Committee was chaired by Mrs. Ivelina Peneva, Director General of DG „European Funds for Competitiveness“ at the Ministry of economy and vice-chairperson of the Monitoring Committee.

Representatives of DG "Regional and urban policy" of the European Commission also took part in the meeting.

The meeting reviewed the progress in the implementation of Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness".

They were discussed and approved methodology and criteria for selection of operations under grant procedure „Development of clusters in Bulgaria“ and procedure for provision of direct grant for institutional support of Bulgarian Accreditation Service Implementing Agency (IA BAS). Criteria for selection of operations under grant procedure „Improving the energy efficiency in large enterprises“ were also discussed.

MC got acquainted with the progress in implementation of the financial instruments under OPIC and approved methodology and criteria for selection of operations under four equity financial instruments.

After the presentation of the progress achieved in implementing the Community-led local development (CLLD) approach under OPIC, the MC approved also methodology and criteria for selection of operations under the CLLD strategies.   

At the meeting were discussed and approved in principle changes in OPIC, leading to widening the scope of the indicative activities/ measures under Priority Axis 4 „Removing barriers in the security of gas supply“, in relation to proposal made by the Ministry of Energy.

The Managing Authority of OPIC proposed changes in the Indicative Annual Work Programme (IAWP) of OPIC for 2016 and a project of IAWP for 2017, which were also approved by the MC.

Within the agenda of the meeting were presented also the progress in implementation of OP SMEI, a project of Final implementation report under OP “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy“ 2007-2013 (OPDCBE) and information about the audits under OPDCBE, OPIC and OP SMEI during 2016.