

The Managing authority of Operational Programme “Innovation and competitiveness” 2014-2020 announces a project selection procedure BG16RFOP002-1.018 „Establishment and development of Regional Innovation Centres (RIC)“

BG16RFOP002-1.018 „Establishment and development of Regional Innovation Centres (RIC)“, Priority axis 1 „Technological development and innovation“, Investment priority 1.1 „Technological development and innovation“.

The general objective of the procedure is building and development of modern research and innovation infrastructure for conducting open-ended applied research, facilitating the accelerated economic and social development of the Bulgarian regions. The focus of the procedure is on the establishment of working partnership between the business and the science in benefit of the regional economy. The business has the leading role in creating of conditions for maximal use of the products of Regional Innovation Centres, by implementing and commercializing the new technologies created in them. Other important aspect is the creation of innovation and technology culture, which underpins the success of this partnership.

The applicable state/ "de minimis" aid regime is as following:

Under Element А the applicable regime is „investment aid for research infrastructures“, according to art. 26 of Regulation (EU) № 651/2014 of the Commission as of June 17, 2014.

Under Element B the applicable regime is „de minimis“ aid according  to Regulation (EU) № 1407/2013 of the Commission as of December 18, 2013.

The grant procedure is realized with the financial support of the European Union through the European regional development fund. The project should be implemented on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria, excluding Sofia region (capital). The total amount of the grant under the procedure is BGN 115 646 637.81 (€ 59 129 187).

Applicable under the procedure are projects, including the following activities:

1. Acquisition of research, testing and other related equipment for research activity, necessary for building of new or expansion and modernization of existing research infrastructure, according the specialization in ISIS;

2. Acquisition of specialized software (incl. development and implementation), patents, licenses, „know-how” and other, necessary for the operation of the RIC;

3. Performing of limited construction activities (CA) only for ongoing repair for the needs of the research infrastructure in accordance with the Law on Spatial Planning;

4. Purchasing of instruments, materials and consumables for the needs of introduction and operation of the equipment purchased under the project within the project implementation deadline;

5. Purchasing of computer equipment and software for the administrative needs of RIC;

6. Transfer and wide popularization of knowledge and results from the scientific researches, by applying the principles of open access to research information (creating mobile applications with rights for access, opportunities for free participation in webinars, virtual conferences and etc.);

7. Protection of industrial property, which is a result of the activity of the RIC at national and international level and use of the necessary expert assistance;

8. Accreditation of the research infrastructure created within the project; 

9. Conducting research and analysis (incl. foreign good practices) for development of new technologies and processes;

10. Supporting the capacity building of the research and development team of RIC;

11. Establishment of the administrative body of the RIC;

12. Promoting the internationalization and marketing of RIC;

13. Audit and visualization of the project.

The submission of project proposal under the present procedure is done entirely electronically by filling in a web-based application form and submitting the application form and the supporting documents through the „Е-application“ module of the Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in Bulgaria 2020, only by using Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) at the following Internet address:

The deadline for submission of project proposals under the procedure is 4:30 pm on January 20, 2020.