

The MA of OPIC informs all applicants, that with State Gazette (SG) No 76/30.09.2016 a CMD №243/30.09.2016 is promulgated

The MA of OPIC informs all applicants, that with State Gazette (SG) No 76/30.09.2016 a CMD №243/30.09.2016 for adoption of the Regulation for determining the terms and mechanism of functioning of the unified information system for management and monitoring of resources from the European structural and investment funds (UMIS) and for the conduct of proceedings before the managing authorities accordingly via UMIS is promulgated.

According to § 2 of the final provisions of the Decree: „In § 4 of the transitional and final provisions of the Decree № 160 of the Council of Ministers from 2016, determining rules for consideration and evaluation of offers and contracting procedure for selection with an open call by beneficiaries of grants from the European structural and investment funds (SG No52 from 2016) a new para. 4 is created:

„(4) In the cases of art. 2 para. 1 and 7 and art. 5 para. 2 – to ensuring technical possibility of using the UMIS, the physical and juridical persons and their associations – applicants for a grant by the ESIF, publish the public calls and messages for raising bids on the Single information portal, and the offers must be submitted to the address of the grant applicant, specified in the public invitation.“

The said provision creates an opportunity for the conduct of procedures for selection of contractor on behalf of grant applicants. In this respect, MA of OPIC draws attention, that no later than three days prior to the date of announcement of the procedure, it must be submitted to e-mail for publishing on the Single information portal for general information about the management of Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund of the European Union in Bulgaria.